Advanced Presentation Skills
- Price : USD 1500
Good information, great ideas or the best proposal only gets you half way. To be a successful professional presenter you need to be able to capture your audience and take them on your journey using effective presentations. This practical Presentation Skills Training Program will teach you how to prepare quickly, utilize the best method for content development, delivering your message and maintain audience interest at all times.
Positioning yourself and your ideas in a consistently positive and professional manner enables you to make a professional impression, the 1st time and every time. Raw information is logical but being logical does not capture anyone’s attention for too long. The more of the mind you tickle, the more retention and motivation you reap.
- Gather your content in a professional way.
- Learn to design effective & engaging presentations
- Select the most suitable delivery method based on the audience, the environment & the
- message being delivered
- Master powerful & effective verbal & non-verbal communication techniques.
- Create compelling PowerPoint presentations
- Learn different tools to add diversity & interest to engage an audience
- Learn to pump it up a notch to deliver higher energy presentations
Discussion: Bilingual
Material: English
3 sessions. 3 hours per day.
Total Duration: 9 Hours.
More Details
Any one want to enhance the presentation skills
No round available
- Attending the workshop online.
- Soft copy of the material.<